Our Publications


Comparison of Accelerator Designs for an Ion Therapy and Research Facility

E. Benedetto, U. Amaldi, V, Bencini, M. Dosanjh, P. Foka, D. Kaprinis, M. Khalvati, A. Lombardi, M. Sapinski, M. Vretenar, X. Zhang

December 2020

Acceler design


A Superconducting Ion Gantry With Riboni’s Unconventional Mechanics

U. Amaldi, N. Alharbi, E. Benedetto1, P.L. Riboni and M. Vaziri, D. Aguglia, V. Ferrentino, G. Le Godec, M. Karppinen, D. Perini, E. Ravaioli and D. Tommasini

June 2021



GaToroid - Status and Perspectives

L. Bottura, Y. Dutheil, E. Felcini, A. Haziot, T. Lehtinen, D. Tommasini, G. Vernassa


November 2020


The Next Ion Medical Machine Study at CERN

M.Vretenar, V.Bencini, M.R.Khalvati, A.M. Lombardi, D. Tommasini, E.Benedetto, M.Sapinski, P.Foka


May 2021

Next Ion Gat


A Novel Facility For Cancer Therapy And Biomedical Research With Heavy Ions

S. Damjanovic1, U. Amaldi, E. Benedetto, G. Bisoffi, M. Dosanjh, M. Durante, P. Foka, C. Graeff, P. Grübling, T. Haberer, S. Rossi, M. Sapinski, H. J. Specht, ...

May 2021

Novell facility


Comparative Study On Scenarios For Rotating Gantry Mechanical Structures

L. Piacentini, L. Dassa, D. Perini, A. Ratkus, T. Torims, S.Uberti, J. Vilcans, M. Vretenar

February 2022

Comparative study


Carbon Ion Gantry Layout And Optics Solutions

S.Savazzi, E.Felcini, G. Frisella, A.Mereghetti, M.G.Pullia.

October 2022

Carbon Ion


Carbon Ion Compact Medical Synchrotron: Key Parameters

E. Benedetto

May 2022

Carbon Ion Compact


Preliminary Design Of SEEIIST High Energy Beam Transfer Lines

M. Sapinski

May 2022

Preliminary Design


A Compact Synchrotron For Advanced Cancer Therapy With Helium And Protons Beams

M. Vretenar, M.E. Angoletta, G. Bisoffi, J. Borburgh, L. Bottura, K. Palskis, R. Taylor, G. Tranquille, E. Benedetto, M. Sapinski

June 2022

Compact Synchrotron


Slow Extraction Modelling For NIMMS Hadron Therapy Synchrotrons

R. Taylor, E. Benedetto, M. Sapinski, J. Pasternak

December 2022

Slow Extraction


Production Of Radioisotopes For Cancer Imaging And Treatment With Compact Linear Accelerators

M. Vretenar, A. Mamaras, CERN, G. Bisoffi, P. Foka.




Beam Optics Studies For A Novel Gantry For Hadron Therapy

E. Felcini, G. Frisella, A. Mereghetti, M.G. Pullia, S.Savazzi, M.T.F. Pivi, E. Benedetto.


Beam Optics 2